In many circumstances, the answer is YES! However, not every situation is best suited for a Short Sale of your home. If you match any of the following criteria a Short Sale could be right for you:
- Behind and Can’t Pay – You are unable to stay current on your monthly obligations and are now behind on your payments to your mortgage company. Some reasons fall behind are reductions in income, job loss or reduction in pay/hours, divorce, medical bills, increasing expenses and more.
- Not Behind but soon Can’t Pay – Although you tried to stick it out, you know that soon you will not be able to maintain paying all of your monthly expenses and that it is foreseeable that you will not be able to keep your home.
- Not Behind but need or want to move – You may not be behind on your mortgage payments but you need or want to move for one reason or another. Some of those include job transfers, a health issues, not being able to climb stairs, need to down-size, retirement, safety and more.
- Financially Smarter to Short Sale – You are not behind in payments but it just doesn’t make sense financially to keep making payments on your home that is worth half of what you paid for it.
There are many parts to discuss and it is always best to meet us in person for a FREE Consultation so that you know for sure.
You may send a quick message to us by filling the form below.
For more specific questions not answered here or in our Short Sale FAQ’s, please email Five Star Real Estate at or call us today at 702.852.2852.